Pymaceutical - A Hypothetical Drug Trial Analysis


The purpose of this project was to analyze a hypothetical drug trial. Two data files were provided, with clinical trial data. I looked at the tumor response to the drugs, the survival rate, how much the tumors spread, and the volume of tumor change.

Technologies Used

  1. I used Pandas and Python to read, aggregate, analyze, and interpret the data from two CSV files.
  2. I then used matplotlib and Seaborn to build graphs and charts to show the results and analysis of the drug trial.


  1. The drug Capomulin had the most favorable results. Average tumor volumes shrunk, there was lower metastatic spread, and fewer mice died than in the other treatments under analysis, including the placebo.
  2. Responses to Infubinol and Ketapril were very similar in average tumor volume change, metastatic spread and mouse survival.
  3. The placebo had very similar results to Infubinol and Ketapril in all areas analyzed.

Tumor Response to Treatment

Tumor Response to Treatment

This graph shows that mice taking Capomulin saw the volume of their tumors shrink, while all mice taking the other two drugs and the placebo saw their tumor volume grow. The graph was built using matplotlib, and includes error bars for the standard error for the means.

Survival Rate

Survival Rate

This graph shows that more mice taking Capomulin survived, while mice taking the other two drugs and the placebo died at a faster rate. The graph was built using matplotlib.

Metastatic Spread

Metastatic Spread

This graph shows that all tumors had metastatic spread, regardless of the treatment. Mice taking Capomulin had the slowest metastatic spread, while mice taking the placebo had the fastest spread, as would be expected. The graph was built using matplotlib, and includes error bars for the standard error for the means.

Tumor Volume Change

Percent Change in Tumor Volume

This graph shows the percent change in tumor volume over the course of the trial. Mice taking Capomulin saw the volume of their tumors shrink by 19%, while all mice taking the other two drugs and the placebo saw their tumor volume grow between 46 and 57%. The graph was built using Seaborn.

Copyright © Miriam 2017